9 Fashion Tips to Help You Survive the Summertime Heat

Summertime Fashion Tips—Summer is here, and so is the heat. Here in Alabama, it is hot during the summer. Most summer days we see and feel temperatures in the upper 90’s with a heat index of at least 105 degrees. That’s hot, and I am not a fan of the summertime heat. I have to find ways to deal with it.

I believe as I get older, I have less tolerance for the heat than I used to have. I am always looking for a shade, craving the air conditioner, yearning for some pool time, and preparing meals that require very little cooking. I have put together some tips to help you survive that summertime heat and also keep you looking stylish.
Check out my tips and let me know some of your “Beat the Heat” summertime fashion tips as well.

Drink Lots of Water

Drinking water will not only keep you hydrated it is also great for your complexion. With the summertime heat, you can become quickly dehydrated. Make sure you drink plenty of water before you head out the door especially if you know you will be in the heat for an extended period.

Wear Loose Fitting Clothes

Wear loose-fitting clothing such as cotton. Cotton can help absorb sweat and keep you more relaxed. Try to avoid wearing tight clothing that will hold heat close to the skin. You are dressing for comfort and also airflow throughout the day. Linen is also another excellent choice for summertime fashion. Linen is lightweight and will dry quicker if you sweat.

Wear Light-Colored Clothing

Wearing light-colored clothing can help to reflect the heat whereas dark colored clothing will absorb more heat. If at all possible, don’t wear black during the day.

Summertime Fashion Tips
Summertime Fashion Tips

Less Is Best

Less is best– at least for makeup anyway. Makeup can quickly melt and become a runny mess when out in the heat. No one looks good with sweaty makeup streaks running down their face. Go easy on the foundation or wear powder instead. Also, skip the eyeshadow. Eyeshadow tends to crease and crack when it gets sweaty. This will prevent your eyes from stinging when you get hot, and sweat begins to drip. Waterproof mascara is a great makeup tool for summer time. A little powder and some mascara are really all you need.

Accessorize Your Outfit

Hats and sunglasses are a must for summertime and will add some flair to the look of your t-shirt and shorts. Hats are not just for the beach, lake or pool. There are so many cute sunhats to choose from today. Make sure you grab one that is wide brimmed so the sun will stay off of your face, neck, and shoulders.

Pull Your Hair Up

I can not stand for my hair to stick to me during the heat. Most days, especially when I am going to be outside, I pull my hair up. Choose a cute clip, hair bands, or a stylish cotton scarf to get your hair off of your neck. This will instantly cool you off.

Dresses, and Skirts

If possible, let your pants stay in the closet. Choose a sundress, a cotton dress, or a skirt whenever possible. Air will be able to circulate when you wear dresses and skirts, and these will keep you from getting so hot.


Shorts are a summertime staple, and they are perfect for the summer heat.
Shorts will keep you a lot cooler than a pair of jeans or dress pants. Be sure to choose some that are cool and most of all comfortable.

Fashion Tips for the Summer
9 Fashion Tips to help you Survive the Summertime Heat

Flip Flops

Flip flops are a girl’s best friend during the summer. Your feet will thank you for allowing them to breathe. Flip flops come in all colors and designs and will match just about any outfit. You can certainly wear them with anything- shorts, skirts, dresses, and swimsuits for sure.

Now, when the summertime heat and humidity are at an all-time high, try a few of these tips to help you survive the summer and look stylish at the same time. I can’t promise you won’t sweat, but at least you will look good while you are doing it!

Try this Grape Salad and this Carrot Apple Salad to keep you cool during the hot summer days. If you need a refreshing treat, this Fruit Dip will be sure to please.

This Crock Pot Creamed Corn is easy to make and you will only need to turn on your crock pot. No stove required!

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