31 Great Tips for Saving Money

31 Great Tips for Saving Money will help anyone turn their financial problems around. With the right frame of mind and the right attitude, anyone can gain control of their finances. Taking the first step is the hardest part. Hopefully, with these tips, you will be able to see improvements within no time.

I love trying to find ways to stretch my money. You pay your bills and try to juggle finances, but still, you find it hard to stretch your budget. You know what bills you have to pay every month, but you are still hoping for just a little wiggle room for the unexpected things that may come your way such as car repairs, school fees, fundraisers, and sickness.

Here are 31 tips to help cut cost and save money. None of these tips are life-changing, but over time, you will be able to see an improvement. It just takes baby steps. Some of these tips can be done very quickly while others may seem to take a little more effort.

Some of these tips may not apply to you; just use what you can to help your finances. They are all pretty simple, and anyone can do them. Get ready to start saving money.

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Money Saving Tips
Money Saving Tips

Tips for Saving Money

1. Turn off the television–I know this sounds drastic, but you will survive. If you can’t completely cut the cord, look for a cheaper subscription package. I mean, just because your package offers 250 channels and you think it is impressive, how many channels can you watch at one time?

2. Start selling your stuff–clean out your closet, your garage, and your attic. Have a yard sale or put your items for sale on a community sale page. If you don’t use it, you don’t need it!

3. Make a grocery list. Do not even try to go to the grocery store without a list, especially if you are trying to save money. You will end up second-guessing yourself on whether you have items at home for meals and end up buying things you don’t need or end up forgetting items you do need.

4. Make homemade gift items instead of buying them. Get the kids involved with making handmade cards. Also, try making bath scrubs, lip balms, wooden signs, and the list goes on. Get on Pinterest and search for homemade gifts. I bet you can find something you can make for that special someone on your list.

5. Eat at home instead of eating out. Eating out adds up over time. It is less expensive to eat at home, especially if you are feeding a family. Feeding your family at home is also healthier than fast food. Check out my post on How to Stop Eating Out.

6. Reduce your vacation spending. Look for deals on rooms and food. Plan to vacation during the off-season, when room rates go down drastically.

7. Drink more water instead of soft drinks. Soft drinks are not good for you. Water is cheaper and also better for you. If you need some flavor, use sugar-free add-ins to give your water a little taste.

8. Clean your own house instead of getting a housekeeper. I would LOVE to get a housekeeper, but at this time, not possible!  Also, give your children chores. Even small children can help you keep the house clean.

9. Try to lower your cell phone bill—check it out every month to make sure you are not paying for services you are not using. Sign up for Safe Mode or a similar option on your phone to keep you from going over your data.

10. Use Coupons–there are coupons in newspapers and online. Use them.

11. Buy items in Bulk— Shop at a wholesale store and try to buy your staple items in bulk. These might include garbage bags, dishwasher detergent, laundry powder, etc. By buying in bulk, you can cut down the cost of these items. But, be careful not to buy things you don’t need or would never use in 10 years.

12. Find free activities to do on weekends–Many towns and communities have free things to do: hiking trails, bike riding, parks, concerts. Get out and find them.

13. Don’t eat out at fast-food restaurants. It’s very tempting to stop at fast-food restaurants during lunch and on the way home from work to grab something quick. Pack your lunch, and this will save you time and money. Also, make something homemade for dinner. Use your slow cooker, or plan ahead and lay something out before work in the morning. There are many fast and easy 30-minute meals you can make for your family at night. This stovetop red beans and rice is great for a weeknight meal.

14. Buy generic brands. Most people can not even tell the difference between the generic and the real thing. Buy generic whenever possible. You can usually save several dollars this way.

15. Use your slow cooker. Slow cookers are great for preparing your meals the night before or the morning before you leave for work. Just dump everything in the slow cooker, like this easy recipe for slow cooker pulled pork, and when you get home, dinner will be ready! Slow cookers are also great for cheaper cuts of meat. Every time you eat at home, you are saving money from eating out.

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31 Great Tips for Saving Money
31 Great Tips for Saving Money

16. Avoid shopping. Yes, I said this! If you are trying to save money, do not go shopping. Why be tempted with so many cute clothes and home decor when you don’t need them.

17. Eat leftovers. Sometimes leftovers do taste better the next day. Cook a little more for dinner a few times during the week and have leftovers for lunch the next day.

18. Take your lunch to work. Pack your lunch with these healthy and delicious lunch box ideas every day to cut down on the cost of eating out. Pack most of your lunch the night before and finish it in the morning. Take a brown paper bag or an insulated lunch box to keep your lunch cool.

19. Plant a gardenPlant a garden with these easy vegetables and grow your own food. This will keep you out of the produce aisle at the grocery store. Planting a garden is also great for the whole family, and it will involve them in weeding, harvesting, and canning.

20. Develop a needs list, and a wants list. Since being on one income, I have learned to have two lists: a needs list and a wants list. By placing an item/items on a wants list, this gives me time to think about the item and if I really need it.

21. Make your own coffee. Get up early and make your coffee at home. Fix a to-go cup instead of stopping by Starbucks or a fast food place on your way to work. Think about how much money you can save each week by doing this one small task.

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22. Eat Breakfast at home. Grab a bowl of oatmeal, a breakfast bar, cereal, or a homemade frozen biscuit. This will keep you from being hungry and wanting to stop for breakfast food on your way to work in the morning.

23. Pay off those credit card bills. This is so important. Do not let credit card debt get out of hand. For each month that you carry a balance on your credit card, you are paying interest. I am trying my best not to charge anything on my credit card, but when I do, I pay it off at the end of the month.

24. Turn your heat down a few degrees. Put on a sweatshirt or sweater during the winter and adjust your heat pump to save some money on your power bill.

25. Use the ceiling fan. Turn your fan on during the summer to keep your house cooler and the air circulated.

26. Workout at home instead of the gym. There are so many exercise tapes and videos online now that you could do all your exercises in your own home.

27. Have a no-spend month several times a year. My family just had a no-eat-out month. We went the whole month without eating out at a restaurant or fast-food place. We calculated we saved about $350 for the month. That adds up fast. Just think how much you could save if you did not eat out for the whole year!

28. Set a budget. You know how much money you will need each month for bills and necessities. Make adjustments during the month to make sure you will have enough money for your statements. If you have to cut out an activity, eating out, or shopping, do so. Setting a budget is hard, but you can do it.

29. Shop at local farmers’ markets- You can get a lot of produce and fresh vegetables at the farmers’ market. Most of the time, it is fresher than at the grocery store.

30. Don’t go to the grocery store when you are hungry. I think we have all done this before and we know the damage it can do. Eat before you go to the grocery store so you won’t be tempted to eat your way through the store.

31. Don’t buy something you can’t afford–If you don’t have enough money saved for this item, don’t buy it. It will be hard but save. You will enjoy it so much more knowing you can pay for it now and not have to pay for an extended period.

I hope these tips help you to save money and cut cost. Just take baby steps. Before long you will have more money in your pocket and in the bank.

 Be sure to leave a comment and let me know if you have any other tips to share.

Also, share on social media if you know anyone else these tips might help. I would love for you to do this!

Be sure to check out my tips on Creating a Budget.

I would love to hear from you in the comments, and let me know if you have any additional tips to add. Also, I would love for you to share this on social media. Maybe these tips might help someone else.

Sharing is caring!


    1. Hello! Yes, it is hard to NOT eat out. It’s just so easy to run by and pick up something for lunch or dinner, but it adds up so fast. You would be surprised at how much you could save each month by packing a lunch or cooking at home. I learned the hard way.

  1. That is really interesting. I’ve never used a slow cooker because I thought it will eat up a lot of electricity but I realised that are also energy efficient!

    1. I love my slow cooker! It is great to put dinner on at 7:00 in the morning and have it waiting on you when you get home form work in the evening.

  2. Love that this is such a comprehensive list. I’m sure there are many things on the list I could easily incorporate into my life!

  3. Great money saving tips! I also think that skipping the convenience snacks from the store and making your own is another money saver.

  4. Great tips! I always go to the store with a list…but I rarely stick to lol! That’s one of my biggest problems when trying to save money!!

    1. It is hard to stick to a list. I always see things I “think” I need. But, it has saved me money each month by having a list in my hand when I enter a grocery store. Ice Cream seems to call my name–a lot !:)

  5. Well i have to say that I actually do most of these and it’s kind of a have to as we live on only 1 part time income right now but you did still remind of a few, like not going to the grocery store hungry….yikes I actually did that today and it’s so true, it makes you want everything!

    1. I have also gone to the grocery store hungry–especially after work. NOT a good idea. I bought things I just “thought” I needed.

  6. Love all of these ideas! Making a grocery list and sticking to it by only using a curbside delivery service has saved us tons of $$ at the grocery store!

    1. I have not used a curb side service–yet. Great tip! No extra spending while walking around and shopping 🙂

  7. I should start buying in bulk! These are great tips 🙂 Thanks for sharing your insight!!

    1. Yes, buying in bulk can save you money on items you might use daily–paper towels, toilet paper and such.

  8. Great tips! You can save a ton on travel by going to alternative destinations – i.e. Carowinds vs. Disney.

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